About Me

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Southern gal making a home in New Jersey by way of Georgia and California. Like most women I am a mom, partner, employee, cook, housekeeper - well, you know the drill. Trying to make everything work while still finding time to craft, create and express "Me."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Decorations (finally)

In between the normal tasks of life (work, kids, cleaning and shopping for the holiday!), Ive managed to get a few crafts completed! First I made these trees.

I saw them on eighteen25 and you can find the directions here I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I changed 2 things. One, I tacky glued the form shapes first, glittered them then sprayed on spray adhesive and put on another coat of glitter. My other change was instead of painting the candlesticks, I wrapped them with beaded cord. Easy and so cute!

The rest of the shelf decor was just as easy. I threw up some Christmas greenery, tied on a couple bows, set up two really nice candles and some large ornaments that look like wrapped gifts. I bought the snow man (which is really a storage tin) from Michaels. I used a 40% coupon and I think it cost me $2. I quickly printed the "Believe" off the web and put it in a frame that I already had. (I dont recall from where). I was pretty pleased with myself, feeling like I had gotten a lot accomplished in little time and was quite thrifty doing it. But something wasnt quite right. My shelf wasnt balanced, so back to Michaels I went! 
I picked up a rectangle shape of styrofoam, wrapped it with a sheet of candy caned striped scrapbook paper, spray painted some twigs (from a nearby park) white, added a touch of silver glitter and made him a nice little winter wonderland. 

Now, isnt this much better?

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